Weddings in the city hall

The historic, characteristic Scheepensael is used for weddings conducted in the city hall. The Scheepensael has room for 72 persons. Including the bridal couple and the marriage registrar.

Wedding times

  • Mondays to Thursdays: each half hour between 9.00 and 16.30 h
  • Fridays: each half hour between 9.00 and 19.30 h, except 12.00 and 12.30 h
  • Saturdays: 9.00, 10.15, 11.30, 12.45, 14.00, 15.15, 16.30, 17.45 and 19.00 h
  • Sundays: 12.45, 14.00, 15.15, 16.30, 17.45 and 19.00 h

On Thursdays there is the weekly commodities market in the Markt opposite the city hall. So driving or parking your wedding vehicle in the Markt is impossible on Thursdays.

Times available

Consult the wedding agenda to find out if your preferred date and time is still available.

Wedding room Street View

The Delft city hall and Markt can be observed via Street View in Google Maps. In this way you can have a preliminary look into the wedding room and take a virtual walk through the corridors of the city hall.

City hall visits

Would you prefer to take a preliminary visit to the city hall and the wedding room? Contact the city hall to make an arrangement.
Telephone015 - 260 24 38

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